POWELLVILLE, Md. - One firehouse helps another, but they're not both home to first responders. Grant money from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is being put to use in the Powellville Volunteer Department's new LUCAS 3 chest compression system.
The device takes some of the workload off of first responders by performing mechanical CPR, giving them more hands to be thankful for on this Thankful Tuesday.
"It's giving the absolute best shot there is at walking out of the hospital post cardiac arrest," says Powellville Fire Volunteer Company Chief John Tyler. "We cannot express our gratitude enough for Firehouse Subs Foundation."
The Powellville Volunteer Fire Company now has the Lucas 3 Chest Compression System thanks to grant money raised through the restaurant chain.
"Anybody can visit a U.S. Firehouse Subs restaurant and they can donate a dollar, they can round up, donate any extra spare change," says Firehouse Subs Manager of Public Relations Katherine Kirby. "They can purchase recycled pickle bucket for a $3 donation and all of that goes to benefit our foundation, which then goes to benefit the community as well."
Proceeds made at the local Firehouse Subs in Maryland Square helped raise $12,900 for the grant to buy the device. Chief Tyler says that's money the fire department can now save and use in other ways.
"It frees them up to do other lifesaving interventions," Tyler says. "The great part about the LUCAS 3 device is it allows us to have proper rate, proper compressions all the time, even when moving the patient, navigating through hallways, it doesn't require human space because this is attached to the patient."
The device offers a solution to staffing shortages as Tyler says the fire department is experiencing twice as many calls per month compared to this time last year.
"We used to have 6 or 8 people showing up for cardiac arrest, now we may have 4," Tyler says.
The Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has donated to other fire departments in the area before.
"We've actually been able to provide over $47,000 in lifesaving equipment and resources to local area Salisbury organizations alone," Kirby says. "We are very appreciative of everybody who visits Firehouse Subs and of course all of our local first responders and heroes."
For anyone who still wants to donate, Chief Tyler says the Powellville Volunteer Fire Company has its annual shrimp feast fundraiser in July. He says there will be a raffle for a one week stay in the Outerbanks.
To date, Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has been able to provide:
Willards Volunteer Fire Company (2018 grant): $14,012.16 Chest Compressions System & Accessories
Preston Volunteer Fire Company (2021 grant): $20,982.68 Radios & Accessories
Powellville Volunteer Fire Company (2022 grant): $12,906.90 Chest Compression System & Accessories