(OCEAN PINES, Md.) - The Ocean Pines community braces for a potential snow storm this weekend, crews are working to install snow salt spreaders and plows on trucks.
Ocean Pine Public relations officer Denise Sawyer says, "we will have two trucks at the main entrances of the community. At the south gate as well as the north gate and in between the community we will have five other trucks working in and out making sure those roads are clear."
Some Ocean Pines residents have been waiting for this night, William Krofka was disappointed he didn't get to use his plow yesterday.
Krofka says, "We were looking to go out last night and do some salting for the dusting of the snow. But unfortunately it didn't happen now we are waiting to see whats going to happen tonight into tomorrow morning."
Other communities in Worcester County are preparing in a different way. Diakonia shelter in ocean city is making sure people are warm and inside.
Director Claudia Nagel says, "We have access and distribute items that help people stay warm. Coats hats and gloves"